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AED Defibrillators
An AED or Automated External Defibrillator is a portable device capable of checking a heart rhythm, and if necessary, delivering an electric shock to the heart to restore it back to a normal rhythm. An AED’s main function is to treat and reverse Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). SCA or Sudden cardiac Arrest is a life threatening condition where the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating. When SCA occurs, vital organs and the brain stop receiving blood flow which can quickly lead to ischemia or death of tissue due to lack of oxygen. If not treated within minutes SCA can cause death as each minute that a person is in cardiac arrest; there is a 10% reduction in survival rate.
An AED can quickly recognize a rhythm in cardiac arrest and shock a person back into a normal heart rhythm, ultimately increasing their chance of survival. Studies show that cardiac arrest survival rates are drastically lower when an AED is not used, with as much as 95% of people with SCA dying from it, most within minutes. Rapid treatment of SCA with an AED can be the difference in saving a life. Most AED’s will be found in large occupancy areas where there are a large number of people such as: Shopping malls, businesses, airports, fitness centers, casinos, sports venues, hotels, convention centers, and schools.
Because AED’s are easy to use portable devices, they allow for nonmedical personnel to take them to the person in need and quickly establish the need to deliver a shock and restore blood flow to the heart. AED’s are easy to use as they use voice prompts, lights, and text messages to tell the rescuer what steps to take. In conjunction with a rapid use of 9-1-1 activation, along with prompt delivery of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), an AED can be another vital tool used to improve survival from cardiac arrest.